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For residents: For teachers & students:

A River Film
A River Film” looks at the Okanagan watershed – a transboundary waterway that straddles the Canada-U.S. border, requiring joint water management to meet the various needs for a clean, sustainable supply.

This award-winning documentary showcases Osoyoos Lake and the Okanagan River Basin, its people, the various competing needs for water, and how this is managed. The doc was created in partnership with the Okanagan Basin Water Board-Okanagan WaterWise, the International Joint Commission and Washington State Department of Ecology

Be sure to check out our YouTube playlist for A River Film, where you can view the film, vignettes, and more.


Okanagan Flood Story
Flooding is part of the Okanagan’s history. In 2018, the Okanagan Basin Water Board teamed up with local governments in the Okanagan, First Nation governments and the Province of B.C. to update flood maps to help residents, planners, developers and others, better understand our flood risk and make the best decisions possible to minimize this risk.
The result of these efforts is the website www.OkanaganFloodStory.ca, launched in 2020. In addition to the new flood maps, visitors to the website will find historical information on flooding in the Okanagan, how climate change is effecting flooding, as well as how residents and local government can reduce risk, prepare, respond, recover, and more.

Okanagan Flood Story



Use Well Water at Home?
Changes in 2016 to the B.C. Water Sustainability Act may affect your water rights.

If you use water from a well for non-domestic use (e.g. a farm or community water utility), you are now legally required to obtain a water licence by March 1, 2022.

Residential well owners are not required to get licenses, and do have rights to water for domestic uses.

However, it is prudent to register your well to ensure that your use is known and protected as the province reviews nearby water licence applications that could affect you.

Learn more!


Make Water WorkMake Water Work
Most of our residential water is used on lawns and gardens. Unfortunately, much of this water evaporates before it can benefit grass and plants. When we water in the hot sun, as much as half of the water is lost to evaporation.

Just the simple act of watering in the cool of the evening makes every drop count.

Find simple ways to Make Water Work best on your lawn and garden at www.MakeWaterWork.ca!

Feel free to download and print the posters here and post them in your workplace. Let’s all MAKE WATER WORK!

Download Poster (PDF)

Download Poster (PDF)


Download Poster (PDF)

Download Poster (PDF)


Click here for the Make Water Work - Rain Barrel brochure (PDF)


Don't Move a MusselDon't Move a Mussel - Stop Invasive Aquatic Hitchhikers
Aquatic Invasive Species are non-native plants and animals introduced to a lake, river, creek, wetland or other water body.  Without natural enemies to control their spread, these species out-compete native plants and animals for food and space.  They harm water quality and can impact human health. Once they get a foothold in an area, it is often impossible to eradicate them, requiring costly ongoing treatment.

Learn more about efforts to keep the Okanagan invasive mussel free at www.DontMoveaMussel.ca.

Download Kids Activity Sheets, Rack Cards, and Fact Sheets here.



Slow It. Spread It. Sink It.Slow it. Spread it. Sink it!
The Slow it. Spread it. Sink it! An Okanagan Homeowner’s Guide to Using Rain as a Resource is an easy-to-use guidebook, showing local residents how they can easily capture and re-use the water that falls on their property.

There are many reasons for collecting and using rainwater.  First, the water that comes out of our taps has been cleaned and treated at great cost to your water provider – and you, the taxpayer. Using treated water on our gardens, and for other non-consumptive purposes, is not money well-spent.  As more and more communities adopt the use of water meters, and we start paying for the amount of water we use, saving water will mean saving money.

Climate change studies suggest that, in addition to the potential for drought, the Okanagan will also experience periods of extreme rains.  Heavy rains can cause damage, washing debris into our storm sewers, affecting water quality, which in turn can affect the fish, the wildlife, and the people who rely on these waters.

It makes sense then, to collect the water that falls on our properties. The goal is to: Slow it down instead of speeding it through pipes and into the lakes; Spread it out across the properties instead of funneling it into storm sewers, and; Sink it back into the ground, recharging our groundwater supplies, and naturally filtering it before the water finds its way back into our streams and lakes.

Find the Slow it. Spread it. Sink it! (12MB PDF) here.


BCWF AppBCWF Conservation App
Love the outdoors? Help protect our waters, and our natural resources. We’re very pleased to support the creation of the BC Wildlife Federation's CONSERVATION APP & website, making it easier than ever to report illegal activity that puts aquatic habitat, sensitive ecosystems, and our drinking water at risk. This free app allows users to send geo-referenced, time-stamped images of environmental infractions to the BC Conservation Officer Service for follow-up.

For more info and to download the app, visit the BC Wildlife Federation website.


Okanagan Lakeshore Living GuideOkanagan Lakeshore Living
The Okanagan Lakeshore Living Guide was created for Okanagan property owners who are lucky to live along our shoreline but who are also looking for practical solutions to protect their property from flooding, wave erosion, safeguard drinking water, and protect these natural areas for future generations.

The guide was developed in response to a foreshore survey conducted in Fall 2016 that found only 41% of the Okanagan’s lakefront remains in a natural state. The shoreline is important habitat to a growing number of threatened and endangered species in our valley. As noted, it also provides flood protection and helps protect water quality.

This guide offers practical solutions to help protect these special places and reverse the loss of this sensitive habitat. Find Okanagan Lakeshore Living online here, or download the PDF.


Homeowners Resource GuideBuilding Climate Resilience in the Okanagan – A Homeowner’s Resource Guide
The climate in the Okanagan is changing. The Building Climate Resilience in the Okanagan homeowner’s guide summarizes climate challenges, including flooding, drought and fire, and provides solutions to help local residents protect and enhance their home.

Find the Building Climate Resilience in the Okanagan – A Homeowner’s Resource Guide online here.


Our Relationship with Water in the Okanagan Education Guide
This guide, which includes an “Introduction," an “Okanagan Watershed and Climate" module and a “Building Outdoor Learning Spaces" module was developed to meet the growing request from teachers for Okanagan-related water education resources.

The guide meets B.C. curriculum guidelines, incorporates a Syilx (Okanagan) perspective, and includes resources to explore outdoor education. Suitable for Kindergarten to Gr. 12.

Our relationship with water in the Okanagan education guides Introduction Climate Module Outdoor Learning


InfographicOkanagan Climate Infographic

This infographic looks at Okanagan-specific climate issues and their impact on water – the challenges and the solutions!

Copies of the infographic are available by emailing us at okwaterwise@obwb.ca or calling us in Kelowna, B.C. at 250-469-6271.


HeroBe an Okanagan WaterWise Climate Hero

Climate change is affecting the Okanagan in various ways – from flooding, to repeated droughts and fires. But we have solutions, and each of us has the power to make a positive impact and help ensure a secure water future. Learn more about climate change and how you can turn the tide and make a difference.

Download the "Be an Okanagan WaterWise Climate Hero!" booklet


InfographicChoose Your Watershed Poster
Similar to “choose your own adventure” books, this poster invites people to choose the watershed they want and illustrates how various actions in different parts of the Okanagan basin can harm or protect water quality.

Copies of the poster are available by calling us in Kelowna, B.C. at 250-469-6271, or emailing okwaterwise@obwb.ca.

Download the poster





The Okanagan Basin Waterscape Poster
Okanagan Waterscape PosterThe Okanagan Basin Waterscape Poster was created as a water education tool. This detailed and colourful poster illustrates topics of major importance to water resources in the Okanagan, including groundwater, domestic water use, and the effects of climate change and population growth. Copies of the poster are available by calling us in Kelowna, B.C. at 250-469-6271.

Download the poster (75MB PDF - note this is a LARGE file!)

"Unraveling the Myth of Abundance," is an accompanying teacher's guide to the Okanagan Basin Waterscape poster and includes 27 activities and several blackline master worksheets. The guide was developed for Grades 4-8, and 11-12.

Find the teacher's guide here.



Know Your H2O: Understanding and Protecting Water – Video & Guide
This resource was developed by City of Kelowna's Water Smart Program in partnership with Okanagan WaterWise. The video looks at issues facing water in the Okanagan – both the amount we have, and its quality – and includes an accompanying teacher’s guide. Students are encouraged to learn, act, and inspire others, to reduce water use at home and throughout the Okanagan valley. The guide and video were created for, but not limited to, students in Gr. 6 - 10.

Find the video here.

Download the guide (PDF)



Get to know your H2O!
These activity sheets were created by the BC Water & Waste Association – an Okanagan WaterWise partner – as part of BC Drinking Water Week.

Learn more about water in the Okanagan and tips to protect it at Okanagan WaterWise.

Join us on Facebook and Instagram and share your own water-saving ideas! You can also follow us on Twitter!

























































































NEW! Okanagan climate infographic:

Okanagan Waterscape Poster






































































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Okanagan WaterWise is an education and outreach program of the Okanagan Basin Water Board
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